Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day Two: Waking up Early

I mentioned yesterday how excited I was about getting up early this morning.  Apparently I was so excited about it that I woke myself up in the middle of an intense cat stretch a few times during the night.  As a result, I wasn't quite as perky first thing this morning as I was yesterday.  First things came first:  feed the starving-based-on-his-screeches cat and coffee!  I still managed to get through the day feeling awake and energized though instead of my usual drowsy.

I wasn't quite sure how I was going to spend my time this morning.  I didn't have social plans tonight so I wasn't as concerned about being perfectly coiffed.  In fact, all I had planned after work was a visit to the gym.  I sat down in front of my computer with my coffee and started to browse.  I turned on Palladia on the tv and took my time.  Ultimately, of course, I took a shower, got dressed and left for work.

Now, I'm aware this isn't the stuff of a thrilling page-turner.  What it is though is a refreshing change of pace, and one I'm both enjoying and recommend.  With working all day and often having something to do every night afterwards, I don't frequently feel as though I have time to breathe.  This time in the morning to do nothing special, before the phone starts ringing and emails coming in, gives me a chance to shake off the sleep so that when I leave to take on the world, I feel prepared and eager instead of dreading it.

Actually, I found myself a little disappointed when I had to stop perusing and start getting ready.  I wasn't involved in anything in particular but didn't feel like I'd had enough time to just be.  I'm getting greedy already!  I'm thinking of switching up my rising time to 6am tomorrow to see how that goes.  And if it's awful, the next day is a 7:30am day so, no big deal.

This challenge was generally uneventful today.  I think I'll have to buy some breakfast ingredients this weekend and try cooking a real breakfast some mornings instead of grabbing an $8.00 protein shake to last me until lunch.  Almost makes me want to subscribe to a physical newspaper just to have something to flip through while I eat.  Another romantic notion, must be nearly time for bed.

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