Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Because What the World Needs is Another Blog

I feel like such a cliche.  Sitting in front of my computer, in my underwear, drinking tea, having just decided that what I have to say is worthy of putting down for others to read.  Really what I have to share is not all that uncommon compared to what a lot of people deal with.  I, like most people my age (late 20s), struggle with deciding what I want to do with my life and what direction I want my life to go.  If I have included you mistakenly fellow 20-somethings and you know exactly what you want out of life, I apologize and applaud you.  

So, to begin my quest for purpose (yet again) I took the most natural approach:  a Google search.  I typed "finding your bliss" into the search box and the first result was "Finding Your Bliss: A Quick Strategy" on a website called  Lured by the promise of instant gratification, I clicked the link and discovered an article containing an experiment to help me start discovering what was going to make me happiest.  As I didn't find the answer to my problem in big blinking lights on the page, I of course simply scanned the article and kept browsing the site.

Under "Top Posts" on page 3, I found an article titled 30 Challenges for 30 days.  I won't recap it all, but if you want to read it, you can do so here.  The point is to challenge yourself to cultivate a new, or break an old, habit by doing whatever it is repeatedly for 30 days.  On my first read-through, I was not impressed by any of the suggestions.  But, given this was an attempt to change my life in some way, minimal or great, I re-read and chose two of them.  Well, 3 if you count #26 "Combine challenges."

My first choice was, fittingly, #1 "Write a What-I-Like-About-You Note/Text/Email Each Day for Someone."  For 30 days I will make sure that I tell someone, a different person each day, what I like about them.  Despite the fact that I think there is not enough handwriting in this world (ironic given my current medium, I know) I like the option to text or email because it means I don't have to limit my possible pool of recipients to those I would see on any given day.  Though, I am curious as to whether I'd ever have the chance, or the guts, to give a stranger one such note after some interaction with them.

My second challenge is #23 "Wake up Early Each Day."  For some this may not be a challenge at all.  My boyfriend, for example, cannot sleep past 8am- just can't do it, it's sick.  For me, however, this is a huge deal.  I've always thought there is something romantic about the early morning hours but I also really enjoy my sleep.  So, I have decided that for 30 days I will get up at 6:30am on weekdays and 7:30am on weekends.  Now, I know this is hardly extreme and the extra hour on weekends is kinda cheating.  I reserve the right now to revise these times as the 30 days progress but, really, baby steps to start!

My third challenge was not courtesy of  Instead, it came from the movie Love Happens.  I have only seen it once and only learned the name of it when I Googled "the movie where Jennifer Aniston writes words on walls." As my search suggests, in the movie, Jennifer Aniston's character writes words on walls in public places.  I can't remember why but it just seemed like a cool idea.  Accordingly, my third challenge is to write a random word somewhere in public every day because, well, why not.  At the very least I'll learn 30 new words.  

Well, at this point, you should have enough information to decide whether you want to read any more.  Today was Day One and it was a success.  You can read all about that in, you guessed it, the post titled "Day One: Dissimulation."

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